Image of painting titled Placid Pond by artist Alexei Butirskiy

Placid Pond
28 x 40
By Alexei Butirskiy

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“Placid Pond”

Everyday life very often makes people lose their sense of Peace and Harmony, especially if they live in a big city. It may be very difficult for them to recapture those feelings and to restore a sense of inner balance. That is why people should go outdoors more often. Nature itself is a great healer. Yes, there are tsunamis and storms and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions - Nature is not always tranquil, but she always calms down and achieves a state of peaceful harmony. Eventually, Nature stands immobile. It is so calming that the reflection in the water is absolutely mirror-like, with not a single ripple upon the surface. I always see something mysterious and haunting in the beauty of abandoned places at dusk.

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